Delegated management of supplementary pensions for social protection groups

The activities carried out by O3 EXPERTS ADAPTED COMPANY on behalf of social protection groups have enabled us to apply our talents on behalf of our partner Ag2R LA MONDIALE for over 5 years. As a result, we have been able to specialise and develop the skills of several teams of experts on high added-value assignments in the field of Supplementary Pensions for individuals.

  • Services for compiling supplementary pension files
  • Reconciliation of company accounts in social protection groups accounting books
  • Regulatory compliance and compliance with GDPR obligations
Icon repsésentant Supplementary pension

Why outsource your HR and payroll management to O3 EXPERTS?

For any organisation, whatever its size, HR social management and employee payroll management require human and financial resources that are often disproportionate to the size of the organisation, when you add up the costs of the social software tool, as well as those required for training and updating regulatory knowledge. For all these organisations, it is preferable to outsource payroll, in part or in full, to avoid spending too much time on it, but also to avoid making mistakes that can have far-reaching consequences. Each line of the payslip requires a precise calculation, which can be disrupted by changes in regulations. Calling in an expert payroll administrator is a simple, rigorous and inexpensive way of ensuring that your company doesn't waste time on these formalities.

Our expertise in preparing supplementary pension files

We are now experts in compiling supplementary pension files using the ALICE software packages and the various community tools used within the AGIRC-ARRCO federation.


We have specialised teams for assignments that require full mastery of the constituent elements of a career in progress (Life of the Asset) or at the time of its liquidation, both from a regulatory point of view and in terms of reconstituting individual careers (contributed and non-contributed periods).

Reconciliation of company accounts in social protection groups accounting books

We also have solid experience in reconciling company accounts in the GPS accounting books: the so-called "Reste à Ventiler" (RVT) assignments involve reconciling the calls for contributions issued by the GPS with the regulations and declarations drawn up by client companies via the NSD Nominative Social Declarations. These highly technical tasks require a high level of skill and precision. They are crucial to ensuring the proper management of the dossiers entrusted to us.

These activities are carried out while ensuring regulatory compliance and compliance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), confidentiality and respect for privacy, and we pay particular attention to data security.

On each of these assignments, we can guarantee a compliance rate of over 90% after a 3 to 6 month ramp-up phase. Our specialisation in the management of supplementary retirement pensions guarantees you expert know-how. This expertise optimises our activity and ensures that you reduce your operating costs while guaranteeing excellent quality and meeting deadlines.

Our HR policy guarantees a high level of Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC) for our employees and ensures a very low turnover rate, a guarantee of quality for our customers.

Other services

Icon repsésentant Social, payroll and HR management

Social, payroll and HR management

  • Payroll and social declarations
  • Human resources initiatives
  • Social dashboards
  • Team training
  • Employment law
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Icon repsésentant Administrative services

Administrative services

  • Management of healthcare files (provident/mutual)
  • Benefit from expert advice
  • Administrative assistance for all your support functions
  • Tailor-made help to meet all your needs
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Icon repsésentant Data management, digitisation and archiving

Data management, digitisation and archiving

  • Complete traceability of your archives and confidential documents
  • Secure management in compliance with current standards
  • Optimised operation of your structure
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Icon repsésentant Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

  • Information, support and advice
  • Handling of requests and/or redirection
  • Outgoing/incoming calls (8am-6pm Monday to Friday)
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Icon repsésentant Digital services and cyber security

Digital services and cyber security

  • Project management
  • Development and testing
  • Start-up assistance and training
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